No, according to the contract for phase 1 and 2 a contract can be terminated, from both sides, without a document to confirm it. If requested, Eastmen can provide a Statement of Employment as proof of your worked period at Eastmen. Please request it by sending an email to [email protected].

Being happy at work is something both Eastmen and our clients find very important. Before considering changing your job, it might help to let your recruiter know the reasons why you would like to change jobs. Who knows, maybe something can be changed in order to make you happy again. If this is not possible and you are still unhappy, your recruiter can give you more information regarding our available jobs and possibilities.

Yes, that is possible. You have to notify the coordinators in a written email to [email protected] and provide a picture of your new bank account with the IBAN and your name on it. If you send the email before Tuesday, your next salary will be sent to your new bank account.

You will receive your contract digitally after you have completed your onboarding, signing the contract being the last step. Normally this happens before you arrive in the Netherlands, but exceptions might occur, depending on your situation.



088 144 4444


© 2025 Eastmen Human Resource B.V

Papendorpseweg 99 building A

3542 AD Utrecht
