At our online community, we believe that your contributions deserve recognition and appreciation. That’s why we’ve designed a rewarding experience that goes beyond the screen, aimed at making your journey with us even more fulfilling. Enjoy exclusive discounts and special offers from our partners and sponsors. Whether it’s discounts on your gym membership, banking services, or vouchers for Flixbus, our online community connects you with valuable savings.


Choose Bunq for a simple, modern, and user-friendly banking experience during your time in the Netherlands. Other features include:

  • The possibility to create multiple accounts en no hidden fees or surprises plus real-time updates and notifications so you’re always in the know about your finances

  • Great foreign exchange rates and zero currency conversion fees

  • Top-notch security, your money and personal information are well-protected with Bunq’s state-of-the-art security measures, including options like fingerprint logins

  • Friendly customer support, always ready to assist you with your questions and concern

Bunq logo
Basic fit logo


Basic Fit is trying to make fitness accessible to all with an incredible starting kit offer. For a very reasonable price, they provide a month’s subscription plus a nice water bottle and a lock, unlocking the doors to their top-notch facilities and a supportive fitness community. This offer isn’t just about gym access; it’s an invitation to a lifestyle change, where well-being takes center stage. Join Basic Fit, embrace this opportunity, and kickstart your journey towards a healthier you. Use the code STARTERKIT10 at checkout to get even more discount!



088 144 4444


© 2025 Eastmen Human Resource B.V

Papendorpseweg 99 building A

3542 AD Utrecht
