Eastmen Experts Without Borders B.V.
Papendorpseweg 99, building A, 3528 BJ, Utrecht
Eastmen Experts Without Borders B.V.
Papendorpseweg 99, building A, 3528 BJ, Utrecht
We are constantly looking for experienced (airless) painters and grit blasters that can work independently and can blast or paint medium to big metal structures. If you can work precisely and are passionate about (airless) painting and/or grit blasting have a look at our current jobs or fill in the form on this page. You could be our next great placement.
If you are an experienced (airless) painter and grit blasters then we are looking for you. Current jobs
Do you want direct contact with our recruiters?
Mail to [email protected] or call +31 88 144 4422
Our professionals offer you reliable and hassle free opportunities